En Route


164_6445-4.JPGI’m somewhere over the North Atlantic right now. Joylani’s sleeping on my right and on my left the moon’s illuminating the tiny ice crystals that have formed on my window. The cabin is dark, except for the few small TV screens of others that can’t sleep. Throughout the day, I’ve just been trying to tell myself that we’re actually gone. But its not real yet. A couple weeks ago, Joylani said this trip was like a college final in that things were winding down, we were preparing like mad, and we’d be happy when we would be done to enjoy the summer. Whenever I finished finals, it always took me a few days to unwind, relax, and actually realize I was done with school. I never felt relieved or relaxed after my last final. Likewise, it may take me awhile to unwind from the pre-trip stress and relax a little. And actually, the more I think about it, the more I know it won’t hit me. Realization that our dreams and planning have come to fruition will be more of a process for me.

It’s like getting reacquainted with an old friend. Although you know them well, it takes time to catch up and back into the good ole swing of things. Today was just a day in transit, but it feels good to be traveling again. Just as we feel most comfortable with those closest to us, I feel most comfortable while on the road, so to speak. I got no sleep last night, I barely ate anything today, our flight was delayed for hours, and I’m not very comfortable in this seat, but I’m happy. We’re traveling and it feels good.

After an abbreviated night, the sun just broke over the horizon of endless clouds. A bright orange disk washing away the darkness with its radiance. Today is a new day. We will be in Europe in a couple hours. More exciting though, is that its not only the dawn of a new day, but a new chapter in our lives.

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