

joylani 130pxI found myself standing on a street corner, standing next to Matt who had just used the word “inconceivable” in a sentence. I began to open my mouth to say something, but then stopped as I realized Matt wouldn’t get it. He has never seen The Princess Bride in it’s entirety, and in fact the first time he heard the title he thought it was going to be a chick flick. When I mentioned my chagrin to Matt, he retorted that it was worse to have not ever seen Ace Ventura (which I have not). This moment on the corner led us to a serious debate of which film is more “inconceivable” that the other has not seen. Personally, even though I have not seen it, I don’t see how Ace Ventura can possibly be considered worthy of “classic” status, and doubt it is as oft quoted as are lines from the Princess Bride. But Matt disagrees with me. So I am taking it to the computer screens and keyboards and asking, what do YOU think? If you could only pick one to grant “must see” status, which would it be: Princess Bride or Ace Ventura? (Please, no adding of additional films to ballot. High School Musical is not a “must see,” sorry Julie.)

2 thoughts on “Question

  1. THE PRINCESS BRIDE, of course!!! One of my favorite quotes is “Drop your sword.” And I stand up (sometimes) to say it when it comes on the screen. Oh…so many quotes…not enough people to get it.

  2. Princess Bride!! That movie is a CLASSIC, never ever gets old! Think of the culture you’ve been missing, Matt!

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