Then and Now


164_6445-4.JPGGiven what we’ve seen the past few days, its amazing that we’re even in Vietnam. Just a generation ago, American was engaged in a bitter decade-long war here. And now, we’re welcomed as any other nationality would be. In one sense, I’m grateful that so many places we’ve visited are so forgiving of the US and the West in general. And on another hand, its amazing to see how much places change, how fluid situations are. Forty years ago, Vietnam was arguably the worst place for an American to be in the second half of the 20th century. And now look at it. Makes me wonder what Baghdad will be like in 40 years. Similarly, Laos was closed to all foreigners only fifteen years ago. What will North Korea be like in 15 years? Ten years ago, there was still fighting going on in Phnom Penh. How many of today’s hotspot will be safe in a decade? Perhaps there’s still hope…

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