Coming Soon…

us 150pxIf you haven’t already noticed, Matt’s been doing some work on our site.  He has reorganized some of our albums, and you can now browse our pictures sorted by country in addition to checking out some new photos in the Flowers and Us In albums.

We’ve got some more additions in the pipeline including a destination guide covering [practically] every place we have stayed in the past 19 months (we switched beds 212 times, not counting 44 nights of overnight transportation) and well as a few tips and thoughts on various destinations.   Post-trip lists and answers to new frequently asked questions (and believe me, they are frequent :) )are on the way as well.  So please stay tuned…the blog’s not over yet.

In the meantime, if you are looking for some cool co-workers, we are both available and would love to be employed so that we will no longer be homeless hapas in the literal sense.

Oh yeh, and those posts I was going to post from a while ago…those are coming too…